California Governor Launches ‘Biblical’ Pro-Abortion Billboard in Pro-Life States

Last Thursday (Sept 15), California Governor Gavin Newsom announced on Twitter that he was launching pro-abortion billboards in seven of the most anti-abortion states throughout the country. The billboards are part of Newsom’s re-election campaign for governor of California.

The billboards are aimed at state abortion restrictions and urge women who are seeking an abortion to travel to California, where abortion laws are among the most permissive.

“NEW: Just launched billboards in 7 of the most restrictive anti-abortion states that explain how women can access care—no matter where they live,” Newsom posted. “To any woman seeking an abortion in these anti-freedom states: CA will defend your right to make decisions about your own health.”

TexasIndianaMississippiOhioSouth CarolinaSouth Dakota, and Oklahoma are the seven states targeted by Newsom, who tagged each state’s governor in a post featuring photos of the billboards.

Each of the seven billboards state that they are paid for “by Newsom for California Governor 2022.”

One billboard reads, “Texas doesn’t own your body. You do,” alongside an image of a woman with her hands cuffed behind her back. Other billboards contain similar wording.

The billboards in Mississippi and Oklahoma use a Bible verse to promote Newsom’s pro-abortion cause. Those billboards feature a picture of a young woman and read, “Need an abortion? California is here to help.” Under the information for a California government website is a quotation of Mark 12:31: “Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these.”

Newsom said in an interview that he wants “women to know that we have their backs. We care, they matter, and we’re not going to turn our backs on them because they’re from another state.”

According to, California recorded over 154,000 abortions in 2020, leading all states, including New York, which recorded 110,360 abortions.


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