92 Percent of Bible Users Say Scripture ‘Has Transformed My Life’: Study

More than 90 percent of Americans who read the Bible say its message has transformed their lives, according to new research by the American Bible Society that also revealed that Scripture has a positive impact on many non-readers, too.

The study, released Thursday, found that 92 percent of Bible users – defined as those who read Scripture three or four times a year apart from church – say that “the message of the Bible has transformed my life.”

“Ultimately, Bible Use isn’t only about opening a book or an app,” an American Bible Society analysis said. “It’s about interacting with God. And when people connect with God in Scripture, their lives change, their attitudes change, their values change.”

Surprisingly, 38 percent of non-Bible users also agree with the statement the “message of the Bible has transformed my life,” the research found. The 38 percent equals about 60 million people in the U.S. who say they don’t read the Bible although it has impacted them, the American Bible Society said.

“Some of these people attend church occasionally and might receive the transforming message there,” the report said. “Others may have been transformed by the Bible in past experiences, though they apparently have discontinued their personal Bible reading. Perhaps some have a friend or family member speaking biblical truth to them.


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